There also is this so-called “free energy“, the zero-point energy, proven mathematically
by many scientists. My duty as a green optimistic is to collect
everything I see someone has struggled explaining and demonstrating, put
it in one place and let the people see and comment. Such is the example
of this magnetic motor.
But there are also “green pessimistic” websites.
When they see something out of “common sense” boundaries, they freak
out and scream something like”omg, this can’t be real! I need no proof! I
must not think of this! Perish, Satan!”
I took such an article today as an inspiration because it talks about a magnetic motor, one of my favourite subjects, about which I haven’t heard much lately.
Here is the whole process of transforming the magnetic energy into mechanical energy, explained by the invetion’s author (Sandeep Acharya):
“Think of Two Powerful Magnets.
One fixed plate over rotating disk with North side parallel to disk
surface, and other on the rotating plate connected to small gear G1. If
the magnet over gear G1′s north side is parallel to that of which is
over Rotating disk then they both will repel each other. Now the magnet
over the left disk will try to rotate the disk below in (think)
clock-wise direction.
Now there is another magnet at 30 angular
distance on Rotating Disk on both side of the magnet M1. Now the large
gear G0 is connected directly to Rotating disk with a rod. So after
repulsion if Rotating-Disk rotates it will rotate the gear G0 which is
connected to gear G1. So the magnet over G1 rotate in the direction
perpendicular to that of fixed-disk surface.Now the angle and teeth ratio of G0 and G1 is such that when the magnet M1 moves 30 degree, the other magnet which came in the position where M1 was, it will be repelled by the magnet of Fixed-disk as the magnet on Fixed-disk has moved 360 degrees on the plate above gear G1. So if the first repulsion of Magnets M1 and M0 is powerful enough to make rotating-disk rotate 30-degrees or more the disk would rotate till error occurs in position of disk, friction loss or magnetic energy loss.
space between two disk is just more than the width of magnets M0 and M1
and space needed for connecting gear G0 to rotating disk with a rod.
Now I’ve not tested with actual objects. When designing you may think of
losses or may think that when rotating disk rotates 30 degrees and
magnet M0 will be rotating clock-wise on the plate over G2 then it may
start to repel M1 after it has rotated about 25 degrees, the solution is
to use more powerful magnets.
If all
the objects are made precisely with measurements given and the
rectangular cubic magnets are powerful enough to rotate more then 30
degrees in first repulsion then the system will work.
friction and other losses are neglected as magnets are much more
powerful. But think of friction between rotating disk and Shaft, it can
be neglected by using magnetic joint between them.
On the left primary measurements of needed objects are given. If you find any reason of not running this mechanism let me know.”
It seems to me that this is basically the Perendev magnetic motor presented in the same-named category of our blog.
What do you think? Could it work?
No. It won't work. Magnets are a popular 'free energy' subject, because they can exhibit force upon ferrous materials, or other magnets~ seemingly without end. Force doesn't mean energy. Energy is defined as the capability of doing work. Magnetic materials (like gravity) cannot perform work because they are always acting. Electric motors can only work because they use magnetic fields generated by conductive coils, which can be shut off at important points in the cycle. Sure, magnets can pull things together, but the same force is required to pull those things apart again. Magnetic motors cannot work because attraction/repulsion and the forces required to reverse such attraction/repulsion net to zero (ideally. There are losses such that counteracting magnetic force generally requires more force than the magnetic force itself). Fundamentally, magnetic materials by themselves are an energy sink, not a source.